IMG_1621Have you ever stopped to look at the tracks left by your footprints in the sand or your snowshoes in the snow? I recently stopped to look at my footprints in the wet ocean sand…and then the fingerprints I left after drawing a large heart in the sand for the people who would follow me. My work in coaching and leadership has often led me to reflect on the kind of mark I want to make on the world and the legacy I want to leave behind for others. I’m sure many of you would also love to leave a universal mark on the world. After all, it’s only human to want to be known for having done something special, even after we’ve left this lower plane of existence.

Wanting to think big and to leave your mark on the world may seem utopian or grandiose to some or even frightening to others. But would you be surprised if I told you that you’re already leaving your mark here and there? Think about it…

  • Think back on the compliments you’ve received from others and then jot them down.
  • Now imagine a festive party where your family and friends have gathered to celebrate your 88th Picture some of them toasting you. What do you hear them say about you? Take a moment to accept the praise you’re being given.

I’ve found that life is so much more fulfilling and inspiring when you’re authentic, when you stop padding the truth and being shallow. Let me share a few of the steps that fueled my reflection…

  1. Unleash your “hunger”:

Even if you don’t know what you’re passionate about, the truth is that we all aspire to be something bigger and better than ourselves. Sometimes there are no words to express your “hunger” because it’s such a visceral need. This “hunger” is what gives meaning to the things you want to do. It’s what drives you to contribute and to make a difference in the world. Once you truly connect with your “hunger”, things start to happen, fueled by your deepest desires. To unleash your “hunger”, look around you and ask yourself:

  • What do I want to say ‘no’ to (e.g.: ‘no’ to intimidation)?
  • What do I want more of (e.g.: more mutual support)?
  • What does the world need more of?

Your “hunger” is what triggers positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you. My “hunger” is to help people unleash their full potential and live their best lives!

  1. Connect with your purpose:

A.Einstein - EVYour purpose is where your deepest intuition leads you to ask “why am I doing this?” and “what does the world need?” Your purpose links into the intense desire that pushes you to have a powerful impact on those around you: people, communities, organizations, nature or maybe even the entire planet! When you’re aligned with your purpose, miracles can happen.

My purpose is inspiring others to “play bigger so they can leave their mark on the world.” I use the playing metaphor to get people to be more present and to unleash their creativity. Take a moment to name your purpose.

  1. Become a leader:

To leave your mark, you just have to want to lead and “serve” those around you. Seen this way, leadership is not an innate quality but a personal choice. It begins with a willingness to be responsible for your own life and for what happens around you. Co-active leadership is the ability to have a positive impact on your environment without manipulating others. And isn’t leadership also a way of living and BEING that makes you available to everyone rather than just a select few?

  1. Have a “stake” – take position:

When leadership is called for, there’s always a position to take and a deep desire to take action. It’s as if your inner voice were insisting that “this has to be done” or “this has to stop!” or even “I’m doing this for my family, my team, my community, my country.” Like a GPS, having a “stake” orients leaders and steer them to act in a way that will better serve the world around them. Here are a few examples of what it means to take a position:

  • Inspiring a team to go from “I” to “we” to increase commitment and communication;
  • Redefining the concept of exceptional customer service with your colleagues;
  • Hillight a spark in your kids’ eyes and encouraging them to live their dreams.
  1. Express your urges (true thoughts and feelings), own them, then listen:

When you feel a sudden urge to speak up, give into that urge but do so in a tempered way, then become aware of the impact of your words and own them. Strive to connect with those around you by being open and giving them your full attention, no matter what happens. Co-create from what is and build from the feedback you receive.

empreintes pieds sableLeaving your mark means leaving the footprints of your purpose behind. With time, the footprints I leave take the form of the passion that drives me, the resilience that pushes me to keep moving forward, and the playful spirit that brings out my creativity.

The gift I hope you receive this Holiday Season is an awareness of the mark you want to leave and share with those around you.


Happy Holidays!

Christine Lecavalier

Coaching co-actif & leadership